A Hero Wears Green Clothes

2021-2023 | 2D/mixed-media animated project
An uncoordinated dreamer promises to finish a draft on time for work, but now she has to babysit her Boss's son on top of it? The night couldn't possibly get any worse.

A personal project where I can explore how to create complex and immersive layouts as well as compose engaging animations. I want to push myself to my limits so I can overcome them and I can only do that by failing, so please enjoy my struggles.
Work in Progress
Layouts Tests
Color Test of Shot01A car in a back alley with the sunset in the background.Layout for Shot 08Sketch of Shot 06 LayoutSketch of Shot 18 LayoutSketch of Shot03 LayoutLayout of EntranceLayout of the Boat RoomLayout of Front GateLayout of the Front of the House with the CarLayout of the Living RoomLayout of a Part of the Kitchen
Character Sheets
Character SketchesCharacter Line Up SheetConstruction Sheet of Ewa, the characterCharacter SketchesOlder character line up sheet